
Tycho Technology

We provide engineering consultancy and software development services in the area of control engineering as well as in the areas of numerical and experimental mechanics, acoustics, and vibration. Additionally, we develop in-house soft- and hardware available for purchase through this website.

Tycho Technology

Tycho Technology embodies enthusiasm about solving technological challenges. Tycho consists of people with various technological backgrounds, but sharing a deeply rooted interest to provide consultation. Tycho provides technical consultation in the areas of Mechanics, Dynamics, Acoustics, and Control Engineering. Whether you are from the semiconductor, the building, the automotive or the infrastructure industry, you may want to consider letting Tycho solve your challenges. Over the years of providing consultation, we have developed a multitude of mainly engineering software, but also hardware tools. Those tools which we are the most enthusiastic about, we proudly like to share with you. You can find a collection of tools on our apps page, which is accessible to you after you register. In the realm of hard- and software development we have partnered with 4silence to further develop our pride and joy, the Sonocat.

Tycho Brahe

Tycho Brahe

Tycho Brahe was a pioneer in the field of dynamics. His subject was the solar system. He performed groundbreaking precise measurements and developed his own cosmological model. His main impact on 16th century Europe is the cultural shock that the heavens are not static but dynamic. He found an appearing star (nova) and he found that comets are not part of the atmosphere but are from beyond the moon. Combining measurements with modelling and discovering a dynamic world, Tycho has been an inspiration for scientists ever since. Tycho was Danish, lived from 1546 to 1601 and lost his nose in a duel. His most famous pupil is a certain Johannes Kepler.


Pi (π)

For physicists pi is a fundamental constant which, together with Planck’s constant h, determines the measure of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics. For mathematicians, it is a fundamental irrational which is related to Euler’s irrational e, imaginary unit i, and unit operators 0 and 1, through Euler’s equation. For the rest of us, pi determines the relation between the radius and the circumference of a circle. For dynamics, pi is the fundamental number needed to describe change.